Monday, September 27, 2010

Are You Ready For Some Football?!

This weekend went by entirely too fast but we enjoyed it very much!  On Sunday late afternoon we even managed to get outside and run and play football for 30 minutes.  It was incredibly humid and warm but the sun was hiding behind clouds allowing us to play outside.  Devin kept asking us if he could race outside; the kid loves to run!  So we brought all 3 dogs outside too and made it a family affair.  After Daddy and Devin were racing we tried to play a little football.  The kids and Sterling had a blast...okay and Mommy and Daddy did too!

As you can see Lexi's football stance is almost perfect! LOL

Devin had on his Tony Romo jersey but because it was so warm outside he took off a layer of clothing.  These pictures would have been perfect if he were wearing a football jersey.  We hope Devin keeps his love for running or racing as he calls it.  He has plenty of running genes...well...running through him!

Saturday evening Barron's Class of '95 had a very small gathering (15 yr reunion) at The Pub at Mercato.  It was a very low turn out but a very fun time!  My friend Jen and her two kids, Lindsey and Trevor, came over to babysit.  Our kids LOVE them to death and had a great time!  We can't thank Jen and crew enough for coming over and allowing us to get out for a few fun hours. We love you!  We had no worries at all leaving our little ones in their hands. 

It was EXTREMELY warm and muggy/humid out.  I'm not sure why I bothered to shower and dry my hair.  After 15 minutes of sitting outside all of the girls were passing out hair clips like it was candy on Halloween!  We had a few more people show up that were not in this picture but this is the fun crowd we hung out with all evening!

All in all we really had a perfect weekend; Kids got to play and run around, Mommy and Daddy got an evening out with old friends and I actually got some house work done as well.  Now if we could just get some cooler weather so we could spend more time outside; I'd be really happy!  We got some of our fall and Halloween decorations out on Sunday but it just doesn't feel like fall yet.

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