We spent 3 days in Orlando visiting with Grammy and Pop Pop. The last time I took the kids Pop Pop was in the hospital and he didn't get to spend as much time with the kids that he would have liked to. So we decided we should go visit while everyone is feeling good and at home. Andy and I loaded up the van and tried to get out of Naples early in the morning. It's tough I tell you; trying to get the dogs situated and set (Cheyenne stayed with Andy's parents) and getting the kids packed, etc. I ended up putting the kids in the car to watch a dvd so I could finish packing. They wouldn't leave us alone in the house and on top of it all, the dogs were getting nervous seeing the suitcases. So, after sneaking out of the house with the suitcases and after dropping Cheyenne off at Grandma and Grandpa Schaps' house we were finally on the road...it was around 11:30. So much for getting out first thing in the morning...can't say we didn't try.
When we got to Orlando the first thing we did was go swimming. Grammy and Pop Pop got their pool in tip top shape for us and we couldn't resist. (While he was in the hospital for over a month the pool looked like a pond!) We swam each and every morning after breakfast which helped tremendously come nap time. Devin loves to swim underwater now. If you give him a pushing start, he will go to the bottom to pick up his diving sticks and come back up. He has really come a long way and is improving his swimming each time he gets in the pool. Lexi is just happy to be launched in the air or dragged on top of the water as she skims the top of the water and drinks it. We still have a long way to go with her! LOL
Daddy and his water babies!
Grammy was ready for our visit and even stocked up on art supplies. She bought them markers, dry erase boards, paper, etc. As you can see, Lexi was in heaven!

Looks like war paint!

The first night we were there the kids (and mommy) were very unsettled. The kids did not nap on the way up as I had hoped and then we went swimming too. We were wiped and the kids were very whiny and unhappy. So for whatever reason we decided to go to Chuck E. Cheese. This Chuck E. Cheese was on International Drive and was packed and was very dirty. It ended up being the perfect place to let my 1 1/2 year old throw a fit and whine and cry and no one could hear her! It was actually perfect. You'll notice in the pictures Lexi was all over the place and ended up shoeless at one point!

Devin LOVED this horse...can't wait to see him ride a real one!

Yes we allowed our kids to walk on the skeeball lane...whatcha gonna do about it?!

Devin thought this was a really easy and fun game.

Shoeless Lexi riding the crazy bicycle.

Not sure if I would have taken them there if I was given a second chance but for $20 we played a ton of games, had pizza and drinks and got the kids out of the house and wore them out so they could sleep! It wasn't so bad...
While sitting down adding pictures and typing this blog post I realized I didn't get any pictures of my grandparents with the kids or any pictures of our friends Kyra and Ryan and their son Vedder. We finally got to meet Vedder (5 months old) and see Ryan and Kyra's beautiful new house (which isn't so new anymore...we just haven't visited them in a few years). Vedder is a very happy baby and was so nice to let Devin and Lexi play with his toys and run his house for a few hours. We had such a nice night visiting with them (and Ross too!), catching up, and playing with Vedder. I can't believe I didn't take more pictures. We'll have to go back to Orlando soon again.
While we were at Ryan and Kyra's house our kids were sitting together on the lazy boy chair and hamming it up for our hosts. I ran into the living room with my cell phone to snap this unusual but sweet behavior. Moments like these don't happen a lot but stay in my heart and memory forever!

We hope to visit Orlando again soon and maybe even visit a fun park or two the next time. We don't vacation enough...(sigh)!
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