Receipt #1 was a 94% savings...not too shabby! This shopping excursion included dishwasher detergent, pull ups and face wash...all of which aren't cheap items originally. Spent $14 and saved $13!

Receipt #2 was a 87% savings! Spent $31 and saved $27!

Receipt #3 is Andy's favorite and he was so proud of me this past Saturday. His reasoning for being so proud is because I had the kids with me too. And as most of us know it's not easy being a frugal shopper with two toddlers in the cart! My secret weapon this trip was a FREE Publix sugar cookie and planning Friday night. I had the Publix ad, Publix shopping list ( paired with the coupons all ready to go. I swear to you this ginormous sugar cookie lasted each kid the entire shopping trip. They didn't even make a peep!! The store manager (also a friend of ours) made a comment how quiet and nicely they were behaving. (He has seen them at their finest evidently!)
Drum roll please....
And even though this shopping trip was only a 68% savings you wouldn't believe how many things I got for $79. I loaded up on the BOGO items and we are fully stocked for weeks of pasta, frozen pizzas, instant macaroni, olive oil, etc. I even had to buy expensive items like Iron Out for our water conditioner, laundry detergents, cleaning supplies, etc. Our kitchen pantry is so full we had to purge some items.

And even though this shopping trip was only a 68% savings you wouldn't believe how many things I got for $79. I loaded up on the BOGO items and we are fully stocked for weeks of pasta, frozen pizzas, instant macaroni, olive oil, etc. I even had to buy expensive items like Iron Out for our water conditioner, laundry detergents, cleaning supplies, etc. Our kitchen pantry is so full we had to purge some items.
The great buys, the deals, the $54 savings was all spent at Toys R Us that day. I promised Devin a Spike Jr. Dinosaur for his birthday and the kid does not forget a promise! Everyday he checked my purse when I would get home and would ask me if I bought him his dinosaur. He made me feel so incredibly guilty every single day. Two weeks later I took him to get his beloved and promised dinosaur. And because Lexi was with us at the toy store it was only fair to buy her something too. So she picked out a little Graco stroller that she pushes her Elmo doll around in.
So cute...
At least my penny pinching goes to a great cause...Devin and Lexi!! :-)
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