This year's Easter festivities were awesome! The Vuko's hosted a fabulous Easter Egg Hunt and a delicious brunch on Sunday morning. It was so nice because even Grandma and Grandpa Schaps and Grandma and Grandpa O'Dean came. We are so fortunate to be able to be with the ones we love celebrating a wonderful and hopefully new holiday tradition! The kids had a blast and were spoiled rotten with baskets and gifts galore. Everyone had a great time; it really was a perfect way to spend the holiday. We can't thank the Vuko's enough for inviting our entire family over and hosting the Easter festivities this year; we love you!
The 3 amigos before the egg hunt!
Devin, Lexi and Miah Jane...How cute are these kids? |
The men were in charge of hiding the eggs and they did a great job. They had to be careful and not hide them too well because the kids are not experienced at this yet. Some were placed high and some were place low but all were sticking out just a little to catch the eye of toddler on the prowl!
Don't we all wish we had beautiful landscaping like this to hide eggs? I mean...come on...Gorgeous! |
Miah Jane found one!! |
Oh, wait...I think she sees the second one! |
Yep, she found two! |
Have you noticed the pink and yellow purses the girls are carrying around? MJ's grandpa bought those for the girls. So sweet and thoughtful. Lexi carries her purse around everywhere cute! |
I don't get to dress Lexi up in pretty dresses often...mama loves it! |
Working together; TEAM WORK! |
Big man on the campus...basket full of eggs! |
Yelling at the girls that he has found a good spot! As you can see Devin cleaned house...overflowing with eggs! |
Precious it! M.J. giving Devin an egg she found. |
Lexi counting her eggs |
Miah quickly going through her stash...a mouthful and two fists full of jelly beans! |
This last picture I love. I took 10 pictures of the kids sitting on the steps before I got one (the first picture in this post) where they were all three looking at the camera. This was probably one of the last ones and the girls had enough of it. Devin's cracking up laughing, as usual, and the girls are more interested in their purses and getting on with egg hunt already!
We hope the Easter Bunny was as good to everyone else as he was to us this year. We had such a great Easter and hope this Easter Egg Hunt at the Vuko's continues and becomes a tradition. Next year we need to recruit more egg hunters. So mark your calendars friends!
oh my gosh, so fun and these kids are just adorable! I can't get enough of them!