Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Before and After

I swear Devin gets his hair cut a lot. In fact Andy takes him every time he gets his hair cut. You would never know we have his hair cut so often because it between cuts, it looks like this:

Then Miss Tori comes to the rescue and tames his 'fro once again. She even sits on the floor and cuts his hair as he is playing with Lincoln Logs or cars, etc. This past time she used a lolly pop to keep him still. She has a son Devin's age so she knows how wiggly and vocal a two year old boy can be. She manages to do a great job every time...I don't know how she does it!

I asked to keep it short on the sides but longer on top. Now that it's super humid and hot his curls are so, well, curly! Thank you Miss Tori, you've got your hands full with this toddler, I know.

1 comment:

  1. I love his 'fro! We have hair envy over here. Bridget's is getting thicker, just not very long and Ross just has some peach fuzz going on!

    Can't wait to hear about your weekend away. I bet it was great!
