Last weekend after two days of Thanksgiving celebrations, we were happy to unwind and play out at the Ranch de Brewer. We had a great time, as we always do. But this time was even more fun, it was a Power Wheel themed play date and the kids had a blast!! At one point Devin was driving around in the fastest gear, weaving in and out of trees, nearly running over other children...and he was the happiest I've ever seen him. LOL The kids were on their best behavior for two days filled with family gatherings and Thanksgiving dinners...they deserved this fun-filled day!
Last time we were out at the ranch, Lexi was scared of the four-wheeler. This time she BEGGED Christian to take her for a ride and LOVED every minute of it. She would stand in line for her turn like a nice lady!
Okay...this next picture speaks for itself. Lexi wanted to go inside the house for a little bit so I let her. I stayed on the porch with the sliding door open and thought I was keeping a good eye on her. She sat down at Brennan's art table and was having a blast. Therefore, thought I could have a conversation with someone without anything happening...I was wrong...very, very wrong!
I think she ate a marker! LOL It was non-toxic and washable...she was like new in minutes!
Love, LOVE this picture. My little peanut and her big brother taking a ride together. Can't you just picture them when Devin is 16 and she is 15 BEGGING him for a ride to the mall or the movies! LOL
Gavin and Devin taking a ride on the old John Deer!
Brennan, looking a little scared, with Gavin cruising the Ranch!
Brennan BAILING on Lexi's driving...let's just say she gets her driving skills from MOMMY!
We had so much fun with the Brewer, Zenczak and Benge clan. It was such a nice and relaxing day/evening with friends. We all needed it after a busy and stressful holiday weekend. Thank you Kelly, Christian and Brennan for having us over for such a fun play date. Sunday was the first day of the 4 day weekend that I had nothing planned and could just do whatever I or the kids wanted to do. Our day started with making banana pancakes (a weekend staple around here) and then going outside to trim bushes/hedges, plant flowers and check up on the tomato garden the kids planted with Grandma Diane. We also watered everything (it's been extremely dry here) and sprayed down outside toys, wagon and chairs. Lexi of course got bored and took off for a ride in our front yard on her little four wheeler. Devin was helping me water the plants when I heard a crash and Lexi moan a bit, not cry, but wining and moaning a little bit. I turn around and this is what I saw.............................................................................................................................................................

Somehow, she flipped her ride under the hedges and walked away without a scratch!!!
Speaking of my perfect driver...she is going to be 2 on Sunday!!! I can't believe it; time flies! My little peanut, who is STILL allergic to peanuts btw, is TWO already. This little angel has more energy then Richard Simmons has ever displayed in his life and keeps me and her daddy on our toes at all times BUT...she is one of the sweetest little girls you will ever meet. You can never let your guard down around her, she waits for you to do just that. But that is what makes her so smart, so special and loving. She knows her mommy, daddy and brother (De-ba is what she calls him right now) like the back of her little, tiny hand. She plays us like fiddle and we all sing along. She wears us out but is the reason I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face. We love our little Fafee Boppers and hope she has fun celebrating her 2nd Birthday this weekend with our family and a few of her/our friends. I will try my best to NOT say no to her this weekend and spoil her rotten. This is going to be a crazy weekend! ;-)