Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Chef and his ABC's!

I think everyone is aware of my dinner-time struggles around here. Besides breakfast bars and macaroni and cheese I feel like nothing else is ever eaten. I gave up the pre-planning of meals because I felt defeated at the end of every night. I bought Chef Boyardee's ABC Mini-Bites because I had a coupon, of course. A few months ago I would have never fed my kids a canned dinner but like I mentioned before...I feel defeated and it's not fun. So after telling Devin that we are eating the alphabet he ran to his chair to sit to eat. This is NEVER done; usually I chase him down for dinner time. I fixed some Texas Toast to go with and to my delightful surprise dinner was a hit! (maybe not nutritious but I'll try better tomorrow night!) I LOVE CHEF BOYARDEE! Devin was so excited to eat his ABC's that he sang it too...with a mouthful of food. Sorry for that but he's too cute singing his version of the ABC song! i think the Chef and his ABC mini bites will be making a weekly trip to our house for awhile. :)

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