Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 2 - Saving $$$ Like Crazy!


Week one, I saved $50 and I thought that was great. But week two, I saved $71. I'm so excited, it's a little embarrassing. I spent $125 and again brought home more groceries than ever before. I usually go once a week and Andy goes once a week but because I've been getting more items we only go once now. So we're actually saving more than what's printed on this receipt. Check out the I Can Afford Naples blog if you're interested in learning how you can save $$$ too! It's one of the blogs I follow and should be on the right hand side of my blog. You can't afford to not read her blog.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! My printer is out of ink, so I haven't been able to print any coupons. I HAVE to refill it this week! I want to save $70 on my grocery bill!!!
