Friday, April 16, 2010

Good Bye 348-4848

I have just a few random things to post this Friday morning. One Schaps Family update is we no longer have a house phone. We never used it, we didn't have long distance on it and the ringer was always turned off so it didn't wake the kids. So Andy and I have decided to just use our cell phones, which we basically did anyway. We had to say goodbye to 348-4848. It was a little sad as that was our first phone number when we moved into our house in 2000. I'm very sorry for the person who gets that catchy phone number; I'm sure they're going to get many phone calls for us. So many of our out of touch friends will dial us up when they come to Naples and its our easy phone number they always dial. Also this number is very close to the Cleveland Clinic's phone number and at least once a day we would have an older patient call to complain about something. We finally had to turn off our answering machine because we would have messages about a doctor not calling back with results or how their prescription was wrong, etc. How did they not here, "You've reached Kara and Andy..."?! Anyway, we'll miss the old snow birds calling us up and needing results from their blood work. LOL

As for our children; they are changing, developing and growing so quickly. Lexi now talks like she's really saying words only it's babble. And when we sing, she sings in her language too. She'll carry on a conversation with you and the only word I'll understand is mama. She wants to talk so badly; anything to be like Devin. I need to catch it on video because it really is funny. Devin amazes me everyday knowing new colors, shapes, words, etc. Everyday I learn he knows something new and I LOVE IT! I was coloring with him last night and he knew a few more colors, he pointed to the heart and said, that's "hawt" mommy. When it's cloudy outside he calls the clouds, thunder clouds. He also asks Lexi if she wants a time out when she's doing something that annoys him. He picks up on everything we say and do. Oh and the cutest (but sometimes annoying) thing he does right now is he wants to do EVERYTHING by himself with NO help from mommy or daddy. So he says, "No mommy do it, Devin do it!". The results are toothpaste all over the bathroom, urine on the toilet and sometimes floor or clothes, and spilled beverages. The OCD in me hates it but the mom in me thinks its awesome that he wants to do things on his own now.

Wishing everyone a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend. We have absolutely no plans made for this weekend and I couldn't be happier for a lay-low weekend. A little house cleaning (okay A LOT of house cleaning needs to be done), maybe a trip to the park, maybe even the beach...we'll see where the weekend takes us!

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty clear that all 2 year olds must be exactly the same...Bridget does absolutely everything that you said Devin is doing! Well almost...she will still only pee in her diaper:(
    Have a great weekend, we're looking forward to seeing you next Saturday!
