Devin, Lexi and I had a wonderful day today at the Naples Botanical Gardens with some of our favorite friends. Joanne was able to talk our boss, a.k.a. her dad, M.J.'s Gpa, into giving us the afternoon off to head down to the gardens for an Earth Day celebration. I'm so blessed to work for a family that puts family first; thank you Vuko's!! We had such a fun day enjoying Mother Nature and all the things she provides.
This was a sign written on a chalkboard in the Children's Garden cute!

Devin watering spinach plants.... Lexi watering...HERSELF!
Brennan, Lexi and Devin sweeping up the cottage. These kids love to clean!
It was very difficult getting a picture of all the kids looking...really difficult.

I love this picture because it looks like Miah Jane is pushing Lexi but she was really loving on her. Check out MJ's hat; such a lovely diva!
The tree house was so much fun! Brennan, Devin and Lexi ran around for quite some time. Maybe next year Miah Jane will be running around it too. :)

Teddy Bear in one hand, juice in the other.

Divaliscious!! Pretty in Pink, Miah Jane and mommy...a.k.a. Joanne
Playing in the sand; at one point I had to give Lexi her binky so she wouldn't eat the sand!
I believe they were writing their names in a heart together. Future love birds!
We ended the trip with a fun, refreshing soak in the fountains. I think we spent the majority of our time playing in the water.

My kids don't know how lucky they are to live in an area where you can enjoy the weather year round. Today was a beautiful warm, sunny day. I am so glad that I was able to be with them and take them to a beautiful place and enjoy nature, especially on Earth Day. Lexi got a little too close to nature and fell into a small pond. She is SO me when it comes to being a klutz...poor thing. She is perfectly fine and has a mark on her face and scratches on her leg to help tell the story.
We are so glad we got to spend our day with the Beckman girls and the Brewer boys. We had a wonderful day with wonderful friends. Happy Earth Day!!
WHO are these beautiful children!!!! That little boy cannot be Devin. Nobody grows that fast.:) Where does the time go!